Contact Manager

The Contact Manager module provides salespeople with a system to manage relationships with customers as well as prospects. It does the following:

  • Maintains contact information at the customer, ship-to and contact level.
  • Distinguishes between customers and prospects.
  • Provides links between contacts and relevant information within the AIMS system.
  • Facilitates entering and maintaining .to do. lists thereby providing employee daytimers.
  • Provides management statistics.

Multiple contacts can be maintained for each customer by ship-to. Contact info includes: first and last name, position, email, business phone, fax and cell. General notes can also be kept by company, ship-to or contact.

Additional customer data includes: web page, up to 6 user-defined sort fields (e.g. industry, size, region, ABC status) and up to 6 user-defined fields for other information.

A large number of criteria are available for searching including by customer number.

Contacts are integrated with your AIMS software system. This means that while accessing a contact you can also enter and review their open orders, open quotes, display sales history for the customer and then view their open A/R.

“To do” entries are also maintained. All to dos are assigned action codes (e.g. phone follow up, on-site visit) and are stored by user (e.g. salesperson) or contact. The To Do Inquiry displays a user.s to do list in calendar format with the ability to view by day or week.

Once to dos are marked complete, they update history which provides management with activity-based statistics (e.g. how many calls did Terry make this month?).

The system integrates with Order Entry, Quotations and Sales Analysis. Links are supplied to all applicable AIMS menu options

contact inquiry