
The Quotation Control module does the following:

  • Lets you create customer quotations quickly and efficiently.
  • Turns open quotes into sales orders or lost history.
  • Tracks outstanding quotes and lets you follow them up.
  • Maintains historical quotation information.

The Quotation Entry screen lets you enter and edit customer quotations, including expiry and next contact date. You may copy quotes from an existing quote, an historical quote, or from a master quote previously prepared. You can access the Sales History Inquiry from the entry screen to display past sales for a customer and then print, fax, or email quotes directly.

You can also enter purchasing or manufacturing requisition details, customized kits, and see quoted gross margins.

When a customer chooses to go ahead with an order, transfer the quote directly to a sales order and avoid retyping. You can then modify the sales order if required.

If a customer chooses not to purchase, transfer the quote to lost history and designate a reason code for the loss (e.g., price too high) and enter a short memo.

You can monitor outstanding quotes through screen inquiries and reports. The Open Management Inquiry provides a snapshot and ‘drill down’ into the number and value of quotes by location, salesperson, and customer. The Open Detail Inquiry lets you scroll through outstanding quotes by customer, location, salesperson, or next contact date, and update quote notes. It also facilitates transferring the quote to an order or lost history. The Expiry Date Inquiry sorts outstanding quotes by expiry date.

The system stores quotes won and lost in a history file. You can print historical reports either by order or by item, and can show the total number of quotes, and the number and percentage of quotes won and lost. The historical reports also break down lost quotes by reason code.

This module integrates with Order Entry & Invoicing.

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